Winter times table
I find that chatting about delivering music sessions with vulnerable young adults quickly turns to subjects involving science, mathematics, numeracy & literacy, from which these guys would typically run a mile from.
Without wanting to sound too smug, once again I 'm reminded that music's got it all going on. "Repeat after me...1,2,3...", "How many bars from the intro?" "Drop the overheads by 3dB" etc, etc.

Now the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, was a man who knew a thing or two about those connections, not only giving us his theorem to deduce the size of the hypotenuse, but is also accredited with figuring out the proportions a system of musical tuning in which the frequency ratios of all intervals are based on the ratio 3:2, as "found in the harmonic series."
Now as for the Golden Section and Sacred Geometry...that's another story..