Friday, February 26, 2010

Kicks off today 2pm,
and each Friday
at the Drill Hall.
Dalmeny St.

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Monday, February 22, 2010


This is an idea borne out of statistics.......I got the original idea from Antigone, an English based charity which calculated that it'd be cheaper to send inmates to Eton than incarcerate them. What kind of politicians and businessmen would they grow into then I wonder

This is the seed of an idea which could grow into a creative arts and activity programme for young offenders in the future. (especially with £32K)

For now though it is some pixels on a blog.

Pretty eh.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well....Hitting drums is both work and play but sure beats going to a gymn..and doing this Feis business is a blast ... Lu loves it too, except when her dad tries singing in Gaelic..

Agus a cymr hau..

Friday, February 5, 2010

Still munted...cor! a 5 day hangover. Thats the price of getting Celtically connected

Nae pics fer the minute....

unless you count these..

But I did find a good audio site up there in webland though...

even a cheeky conradski mix to be found up there somewhere..


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Monday, February 1, 2010

Utterly munted from 5 heavy days of chaos-making at Celtic Connections....dreading the aftermath & come down...but hey?! what's this then?
A Leith Folk Club gig the morn!!...
Hooray, a momentary respite fae reality...let's all live the dream one more time.

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