Friday, November 27, 2009

Em's viral hankies rock!

Roll Up Roll Up!
Get your anti pig flu hankies now
before the Festive lergee descends upon ye
exclusively from

also available in blue...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Yes well this is a bit of a laugh, but shows what a lot you can do with very little eh.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

clickety clack!

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Okay, here goes blog entry ...hello blog world reader people. I tried using Wordpress but they don't seem to like noise or moving piktchurs up ther in blog Blogger here we go!

This is me getting away from the real job which is a recording session 1st thing tomorrow.

Thing is I'm shooting myself in the foot here by avoiding it but figured that this would be a good thing to do in order to get the creative process going.

Mistake.. it's a computer keyboard going tap tap tappity tap, but then so is most music composing these days.

As for animation, don't get me started...well exactly...i haven't started it...yet. There are links to some that are finished...I guess that's what a blogs for ...linking it all together.

Nope, I'm looking forward to looking at some old footage of steam trains and making a sound track that goes tappity tap. tappity tap. tap tap tap tappity tap..Actually ! that's not bad. There we go. Hey Presto! It worked.

Now I've just to got to make sure and get those "tappity-tap-taps" in the right places at the right pitch at the right time...

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Love & reason

Hey well,

Donald Hay Mary Macmaster and Aimee Macdougal made a fine trio up there at the voodoo rooms the night..

Buy their new album 'love & reason" cause they just launched it today and it's fab!

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